Last Minute Reminders

The Epiphany Explorer’s camping trip starts this Friday. Here are a few last minute reminders.

1. Bring your bikes, scooters, and helmets. This is a great place to ride.  (Helmets are required by Florida law for those under 16.)

2. Call Bruce Lyon at 623-4378 for the gate code to the park if you are coming in the evening after the gates close.

3. Bring your own lunch, drinks and snacks. Saturday breakfast and dinner will be provided.

4. RSVP to Sandy Lyon ( (or 719-6902) for Saturday breakfast and/or dinner. We need 2 dozen hot dogs and buns, 3 dozen buns for Sloppy Joes, and side dishes to go with dinner.

5. Please bring your GPS if you have one. You will need it for the geocaching. We already have a few coming, but the more we have, the better.  If you can bring one, please read this note.