March Meeting

Bicycle Safety and Maintenance

Bicycles are a great way to get around.  They are among the most energy efficient modes of transportation, they do not pollute, and they provide healthy exercise.  But bicycles can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken.

Here are the 10 Rules of bicycle safety:

1.  Always wear a helmet.

2.  See and be seen.  Wear bright colors or reflective stripes.

3.  Avoid biking at night.  If you must, have proper, working, lights and reflectors.

4.  Stay Alert.  Keep a Lookout for Obstacles in Your Path.

5.  Go with the Flow, Ride WITH traffic.  That means keep to the right side of the road.

6.  Check for Traffic.  Be aware of traffic around you, including driveways, intersections, and behind you.

7.  Learn the Rules of the Road.  Bicycles are required to follow all traffic laws.  This makes it easier for vehicles to anticipate your actions.

8.  Assure Bicycle Readiness.  Do a safety check of your bike before you ride.  Adjust or repair as needed.

9.  Can You Stop It?  Check your brakes before riding.

10.  Check your Wheels.  Some bikes have "quick release" front wheels that must be securely fastened to prevent them coming off.

At this meeting we practiced step 8.  We learned how to:

Check tire pressure and condition.

Inflate tires.

Check that the wheel is "true" and spokes are intact.

Check handlebar height and tightness.

Check seat height and tightness.

Check chain tension and lubricate the chain.

Check the brakes.

Wear a helmet

There are many good on-line resources to help learn more about safe bicycling.  

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has many documents on bicycling, including:

A Comic Book called "Sprocketman".

"Bicycle Safety Is No Accident"  (handed out at meeting.)

"Use Your Head"

"Back To School Safety Alert"  (handed out at meeting)

Here are photos from the meeting.